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Our Programs

Helping you become Fitter, Faster, Stronger.

                          SATURDAY    6:30AM, 7:45AM, 9:15AM

Hyper Resistance Training

This program is designed to promote hypertrophy through a variety of functional movements and training methods. Expect to build symmetry within the muscles, by working both the prime movers and assisting muscle groups. By stressing out the muscle fibres with consistent resistance training, this will stimulate muscle growth, creating positive changes in your physique.

Muscle Pump

​If improving your body composition is your goal, then this is the perfect class for you! This workout will help sculpt and tone the muscles with high-volume resistance training. With higher rep ranges expect to improve your muscular endurance, training your muscles to work under fatigue. This workout will also help improve your metabolism and give your muscles a great muscle pump!

Cardio Conditioning

It’s time to push your body to its limit with Cardio conditioning. This programs priority is to increase your VO2 max, which is the measurement of an individual’s maximum capacity to transport and utilize oxygen during intense exercise and improve your recovery rate. No better way to condition your cardio then with some extreme training. Now let’s grab your towel, drink bottle, and get ready to work up a major sweat.

Cardio Endurance

Looking to improve your cardiovascular endurance, then this is the class for you! With longer duration effort sets, we will be working through the aerobic energy system. This type of training will help improve your aerobic capacity and heart health, making it stronger and more efficient at pumping blood. Time to take your fitness to the next level.

Cardio Endurance

This is your high intensity interval training session and it’s all about elevating your heart rate. With short burst of maximum effort sets and short rest periods, we will be targeting the anerobic energy system and looking to increase your anerobic threshold, meaning you can sustain those high intensity efforts for longer periods of time. This type of training will also have you burning calories long after the workout is complete.

Explosive Movements

​Get ready to improve your explosive power with a variety of plyometric and explosive movements. You will be activating your fast twitch muscle fibres as you move with great speed and force, generating your maximum power input. If your aim is to jump higher, move faster and add a bit more spring into your step, then this is the perfect class for you!


​In this class you will be focusing on improving your mobility, dexterity and flexibility. Regularly practising mobility will enhance your quality of life, by helping you move more freely in every direction. Mobility also plays a crucial role in exercise as it will allow you to comfortably get into certain positions as well as improve your neuromuscular coordination. Now it’s time to relieve any tight muscles, improve your posture and feel your best!

Strength & Cardio

In this fun filled Cardio and strength session you will be mixing two key components of fitness, high intensity cardio with resistance training. The aim of this class is to assist in increasing lean muscle mass and decrease body fat percentage while improving overall fitness. This type of training will keep the body guessing and help minimise any chance of you hitting that training plateau.

Sports Performace

The workout for the everyday athlete! This class is designed to provide participants with correct training methods that will help enhance speed, agility, athleticism and skill. The primary focus is to help improve your overall sports performance, that includes training the nervous system to sharpen your reflexes and improve reaction time. It’s all about unlocking your full potential and giving you the ability to perform at your peak!


Get excited for this exhilarating, high energy and dynamic workout! We will be combining the elements of boxing and fitness into your routine. During class, participants will learn and practise various boxing techniques such as punches, footwork and defensive drills. Our boxing and fitness class is suitable for all fitness level from beginner to advance, whether you’re looking to improve your boxing skills, boost fitness levels, or simply have fun in an engaging workout that will have you feeling energised.

Own Pace

An exciting class with a diverse range of exercises created to give you the freedom and flexibility to exercise at your own pace, you can challenge yourself and push the pace or take it easy if you like. Doesn’t matter if you’re an absolute beginner or a fitness fanatic, this class is for everyone! You rock up and start whenever you please, moving from exercise to exercise, with the guidance of a trainer motivating you along the way!

Open Gym

Welcome to Open Gym, where you have the freedom to explore and utilize our state-of-the-art group fitness room. This class offers participants to experience free roam access to a wide range of equipment from our brand-new cardio equipment, skipping ropes, kettlebells, power bags, power bands, dead balls and wall balls. Our knowledgeable staff will be on hand to offer guidance and assistance, ensuring a safe and productive workout.


The focus of this class is to help build strength through heavy lifting and progressively overloading the muscles. We will mainly be incorporating a variety of compound exercises that will not only help you build strength but also stimulate the sympathetic nervous system, promote bone strength and density, improve cell function, increase production of hormones and help with cognitive performance. It’s time to load up that weight and make some strength gains.

Stability & Core

Stability and core is our foundation to all our programs, it is the bread and butter to every exercise. By strengthening the core and improving stability through the muscles and joints it will allow you to lift heavier, maintain better control, improve balance and posture, and help prevent injuries. This program will also enhance the body’s ability to perform daily activities with more efficiency and less strain, whether your bending, twisting or reaching.

Strength & Conditioning

Be prepared to challenge your physical and mental prowess and unlock your full athletic potential with our CrossFit style training program. With a huge variety of training methods from Olympic lifting, gymnastics, AMRAPS, EMOMS and METCONS. With a strong emphasis on form and technique this type of training will help take your strength and conditioning to the next level.

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